Dec 072009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

No Joke, enormi quantità di giocatori stanno cercando di essere il prossimo "big time-cosa" nel poker, ma ecco un breve riassunto su 4 dei ragazzi più famoso "fascino" del gioco. Anche se la "bella" è associato con i loro nomi quando si è al tavolo da poker è "No More Mr. Nice Guy" fino a che hanno messo fuori del concorso!

Daniel Negreanu

Nel duemila e quattro, i suoi guadagni torneo ammonta a più di quattro milioni e mezzo di dollari e ha vinto due premi immensamente rispettato nella World Series of Poker Player of the Year e Cardplayer Magazine Tourney Player of the Year. Nel febbraio del duemila e sei, è stato nominato Card Player's Preferred Poker Player. Ha ancora la decenza di parlare con i suoi fans a proposito di come essi saranno in grado di aumentare il loro gioco.

Howard Lederer

Conosciuto come "Il Professore" e il fratello del poker colleghi pro Annie Duke. I suoi successi gli hanno permesso di fare un video didattico denominato "I segreti di No Limit Hold'em" e anche in possesso di un torneo di poker show per la Fox. Del duemilacinque, la sua vita, le vincite totali superano 2,7 milioni di dollari.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott è 1 degli attori più attivi nel poker professionali e tra due mille a duemila e quattro anni finito in denaro in eccesso di 100 concorsi. Egli è noto per dire "yeah baby" in tutto i giochi di poker e inoltre attribuita la frase "that's baby poker" quando ci si riferisce ad una perdita particolarmente cattive. Del duemilasei, le sue vincite tempo di vita sono solo circa $ 6 milioni.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha vinto 5 titoli WSOP con due dei suoi successi a venire in duemilatre. È il soprannome di "Gesù" a causa della sua caratteristica capelli lunghi e barba, con la sua capacità di gettare carte da gioco abbastanza veloce per tagliare i sottaceti e le banane. Del duemilacinque totale suoi guadagni torneo di poker live superato i 5 milioni.

Dec 072009
[ English ]

N Broma, una enorme cantidad de jugadores están tratando de ser la próxima "gran cosa de tiempo" en el póker, pero aquí es un resumen corto en 4 de los chicos más famoso "encanto" del juego. A pesar de que "bueno" se asocia a su nombre cuando usted está en una mesa de póquer es "No more Mr. Nice guy" Hasta que te han puesto fuera de la competencia!

Daniel Negreanu

En dos mil cuatro, sus ingresos ascendieron a torneo de más de cuatro millones y medio de dólares y ganó dos premios inmensamente respetado en las World Series of Poker del año y jugador de cartas torneo de la revista Jugador del Año. En febrero de dos mil seis, fue nombrado Jugador preferido Card Poker Player. Todavía tiene la decencia de hablar con sus fans acerca de cómo van a ser capaces de incrementar su propio juego.

Howard Lederer

Conocido como "El Profesor" y el hermano de otro profesional de póquer Annie Duke. Sus logros le han permitido hacer un video instructivo llamado "Secretos de Hold'em Sin Límite", y también celebración de un espectáculo de torneos de póquer para Fox. A partir de dos mil cinco, su ganancia total de la vida superan 2,7 millones de dólares.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott es 1 de los más activos jugadores de póquer profesional, y entre dos mil a dos mil cuatro, que terminó en el dinero en más de 100 competiciones. Él es famoso por decir "yeah baby" a través de juegos de póquer y también se acredita con la frase "que el bebé de póquer" cuando se refiere a una pérdida excepcionalmente desfavorables. A partir de dos mil seis, sus ganancias de por vida son sólo alrededor de $ 6 millones.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha ganado 5 títulos WSOP con dos de sus éxitos en los próximos dos mil tres. Tiene el apodo de "Jesús" por su característico pelo largo y barba, junto con su habilidad para tirar las cartas lo suficientemente rápido para cortar a través encurtidos y los plátanos. A partir del dos mil cinco, el total de los ingresos del torneo de póquer en vivo superaron los $ 5 millones.

Dec 072009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

No Joke, riesige Mengen von Spielern versuchen, die nächste "big-time thing" im Poker, aber hier ist ein kurzer Überblick über 4 der berühmteren "charmante Jungs" des Spiels. Auch wenn "schön" ist mit seinem Namen verbunden, wenn Sie an einem Pokertisch ist es "nicht mehr Mr. Nice Guy", bis sie dich der Wettbewerb außer Betrieb gesetzt haben!

Daniel Negreanu

In Two Thousand and Four, seine Turnier-Ergebnis belief sich auf mehr als viereinhalb Millionen Dollar und gewann zwei immens eingehalten Auszeichnungen in der World Series of Poker Player of the Year und Kartenspieler Magazine's Tourney Player of the Year. Im Februar zweitausendsechs wurde er zum Card Player's Preferred Poker Player. Er hat immer noch den Anstand, um mit seinen Fans darüber, wie sie in der Lage, ihr eigenes Spiel verbessern zu sprechen.

Howard Lederer

Bekannt als "The Professor" und Bruder von Kolleginnen und Poker-Profi Annie Duke. Seine Leistungen haben erlaubte es ihm, ein Lehr-Video machen namens "Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" und auch ein Poker-Turnier zeigen, für Fox Betrieb. Wie von zwei tausend und fünf, sein Leben Gewinne zu übertreffen insgesamt 2,7 Millionen Dollar.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott ist 1 zu den verkehrsreichsten in der professionellen Poker-Spieler und zwischen zwei tausend bis zweitausend und vier beendete er das Geld in mehr als 100 Wettbewerbe. Er ist zu sagen "yeah baby" in Poker-Spiele und auch mit dem Satz "dass Poker Baby", wenn es um ein außergewöhnlich schlechter Verlust gutgeschrieben berüchtigt. Ab Two Thousand and Six, seinen Lebzeiten Gewinne sind nur etwa 6 Millionen Dollar.

Chris Ferguson

Chris hat 5 WSOP gewann zwei Titel mit seiner Erfolge kommen in zwei tausend und drei. Hat sich den Spitznamen "Jesus" wegen seiner charakteristischen langen Haaren und Bart, mit seiner Fähigkeit, werfen die Karten schnell genug, um durch die Gurken und Bananen geschnitten. Wie von zwei tausend und fünf seiner insgesamt Live-Poker-Turnier-Gewinn über $ 5 Millionen.

Dec 072009
Dec 052009
[ English ]

Many people that like a decent poker game at a buddies abode on Saturday evening also like heading to a casino to play the game. A gambling hall provides not simply long-established poker games that are wagered on at a table, but also provides video poker games. The main difference between table poker and video poker games is that the Video Poker game can be set to have specified odds regarding how regularly the gambler will win.

Of course, with a video poker machine, there are buttons and fake competitors instead of being permitted to touch your cards and read competing gamblers faces. The beautiful aspect regarding video poker machines, is that regardless of what variation of this popular activity you enjoy the most, chances are it usually will be close-by. If you do not have a preference, are novice of the poker or just do not know all the policies, keep reading for some of the basics.

If you want to enjoy 5 card stud on an electronic machine, you will see that the game play is exactly similar as at the table. To begin, each player is dealt a card face down as well as one card that is dealt face up. The gambler that shows the lowest value card must place a wager of at least fifty percent of the lowest amount to initiate the round. As the hand continues the gamblers make wagers and cards are given out till the fifth and last card is dealt face up, and the finishing round of wagering happens.

All the distinctive forms of poker are similar regardless if you play them in the poker room at a gambling hall or on an electronic poker game on the floor of a gambling hall. The crucial aspects to keep in the fore front when deciding on where to bet are:

How skilled are you at maintaining your facial expressions?
How skilled are you at analyzing people?
Are you at ease going at a brisk rate or might you rather dictate your very own pace?

Your answers to these questions will make it pretty clear where you will be wagering on your upcoming hands of poker when you travel to a gambling den.

Dec 032009
[ English ]

No limit Holdem is one of the most favored games available. In the homes of people, in casinos, in the basement of your nearby community auditorium, most people are participating in it and loving it. It is a fun game, although it’s one with a lot of aggressiveness and cutthroat behavior. So in order to be sure you don’t end up in the poorhouse, it’s critical to understand some of the schemes that may help you. At the end of the day, when you do not know who the boob is, it is almost certainly you.

A great 1st step is to be sure you know the game well. review books, review sites on the web, and even read advice from professional Holdem players. With the games increased popularity, you won’t have a problem locating books on strategy, codes, and even the history of the game. Reading this info could help you in a few distinctive ways. One, you could get a wiser insight about the game through developing your very own point of view on it. Second, you might be able to discover how other gamblers play when it comes to strategy.

Secondly, there is no wiser method to get better than to gamble. By wagering on Texas Holdem online or with your friends you most likely will have a chance to make your blunders in low risk situations. Then, when you are in a no limit game, you will certainly have established your very own assuredness. To gain that knowledge, there are several websites where you are able to play or simply play low cost buy in competitions nearby. Though complimentary websites can give you an opportunity to obtain having a good understanding of poker, folks don’t place bets the same if there is no actual money at risk so you could end up with a wrong feeling of how gamblers play and place bets.

Third, you have to be tough. No Limit Texas Holdem is a bloodthirsty card game that requires you to eat or be eaten. Educate yourself, using studying, to be more experienced and more cutthroat when you wager on the game. It will help you in the forthcoming difficult game or tournament. It’s also an expertise you really should pick up as you practice competing with players on the internet or in person.

Dec 032009
[ English ]

If you would like to attempt your skills at wagering on poker on the web you’ll find that there are many sites that’ll entice you to play. However, a number of people only want to play at 1 of the better poker casinos. The better poker casinos offer a wide array of styles to select from such as texas holdem, 7-card stud, omaha high, and others. It is also no charge to sign up with one of these casinos.

The best poker cardrooms will provide directions for novices and a free poker site where gamblers can play without gambling any cash. These casinos will also offer tournaments to their players and the best poker rooms will have a huge selection of tournaments to choose from. These tournaments will present players with an opportunity to buy-in at a level they are satisfied with and still have an opportunity to compete for large prizes. There are also no end of ways to win your way into tournaments.

The best poker casinos are also regarded for their great client service. Someone is available 24 hours a day to aid members. This means that queries and complaints are quickly responded to. In addition, you will discover many incentives at these sites to keep you interested. These are comprised of free rolls and other bonuses presented to players.

So don’t just settle at home watching poker on television and wishing you had someone to compete against, or knew of a brick and mortar casino that wasn’t miles away. Hop onto the Internet and prepare to play some poker. You’ll discover it’s simple to register and a ton of fun.

Dec 022009

We’ve all been told the axiom that "the best things in life are free", and free poker is no exception to that axiom. These web poker casinos allow you to play just about any variation of poker, any time you are in the mood, with no charges to use their application. You can discover some of the best poker variations and tournaments anyplace while playing in no charge poker.

These awesome programs provide to you the most amazing well-known variations of poker around. You might even find a style of play you have never heard of and would love to give it a go. You will be able to get involved in just a couple of rounds at a poker table or hop in to a multi stage tournament. If you want to gamble for actual cash, these free poker pages will allow you to generate an account to use for wagering, or you can keep it completely free of charge by playing with practice chips. Internet free poker is offered daily, all day. The poker rooms are constantly open. There are so many options for play; you are able to alter the variation each time you sit down at the table.

These wonderful online betting houses allow you to use their gambling software for free. Normally all they need is that you register with their poker room, and you’re all set to play. There are no costs or charges for the games that are played with play money. it is really that easy. Isn’t it about time that you begin having the most fun obtainable on the net today by joining in on a game of free poker?

Nov 262009

If you are fond of all the fun and thrill of going to gambling halls, but the travel expenses of going to the big-time casino metropolis is a little much, internet poker wagering is as similar to the actual thing as you will get. By signing up for an online poker room, you will get lots of the benefits of casino betting without ever leaving home and racking up travel costs. From different games to altering stakes and the enjoyment of captivating tournaments, it is all there waiting for you, 24 hours a day.

With online poker betting, you are able to gamble on every style of poker variation you want. If you like popular casino poker games, like Omaha hi-low or Seven card stud, you can find these games with ease, Of course there is always the chart-topping Texas Holdem for players who love that style. You can also choose from a few different gambling levels. Regardless of whether you are a high or tiny stakes player, the level of competition you are seeking are close-at-hand at an online poker site.

With the championships playable on these internet poker sites, the excitement never stops. You experience all the excitement of brink and mortar casino tournaments from the coziness of your personal domicile. There are additionally all kinds of different stakes and varieties available for the competitions, whatever you prefer. So if you’re ready for some fun and are wanting to get some studying in for your upcoming holiday to the gambling den, why not give online poker a try.

Nov 202009
[ English ]

Die vergangenen Jahre wurde groß für Online-Poker. Da die Amateur Chris Moneymaker der 2003 WSOP Main Event erfasst, müssen die Spieler been going nach einem ähnlichen Ziel. Millionen und Millionen von Dollar zur Disposition stehen jeden Tag spielen diese einfache Kartenspiel. Viele Spieler haben ihre besten Poker als Hobby gelegt. Warum würden Sie am Internet-Poker-Wette? Internet-Poker ist wie jede andere Poker-Spiele können Sie auf verspielt haben.

Jedes Mal, wenn Sie im Poker genießen zu regeln, gibt es immer brand-neue Tricks zu versiert in. Ähnlich wie Golf, führt der Spieler, der die niedrigste Anzahl von Fehlern wird auf lange Sicht zu gewinnen. Poker ist vor allem in der Nähe von Videospielen, dass areplayable. In der Anfangsphase des Pokers, Ihre Gegner werden in der Regel sehr einfach. Wie Sie vorab die Reihen, werden Sie wahrscheinlich Gesicht härtere Gegner. Konkurrierende gegen härtere Gegner dazu führen könnten, Sie zu mehr qualifizierten ob Sie sich auf einen Einsatz für Poker zu tragen. Wenn Sie all Ihre Vermögenswerte verbringen den größeren Mütze, müssen Sie sich ganz auf der ersten Ebene zu starten.

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